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We introduce ourselves


Anja Seidlitz

When I first came to Nepal in 2014 as part of a dental camp, I was immediately fascinated by the country and the people there with their friendly, colorful and open manner. It was all the more sobering for me to realize how difficult it is for the poorer population in particular to provide their children with an education. Often it only fails because of the missing school uniform, notebooks or pencils and state funding. In Nepal I keep finding that a lot can be achieved with relatively little effort. We now have committed friends on site and have already been able to help many people there personally, motivate them and thus create a bit of positive change. By founding our association Sarathi - together for Nepal, it is easier to find supporters and sponsors to create a better future for the children there. I'm looking forward to many more great projects - and many sponsors!

Stefan Seidlitz

I got to know Nepal a few years ago as part of a longer trekking tour and since then have taken the country and its people into my heart. The encounters with the people there are personally enriching for me. Despite the sometimes very simple living conditions, the hospitality of the Nepalis is impressive and their happiness is inspiring. In Nepal, too, the children are the future of their country and so I am delighted that we, with our association 'Sarathi - together for Nepal', support especially poor families so that they can send their children to schools.


Sabine Schnell-Lauer

As I work in school, it is important to me to support the children in Nepal in the institutions with which we are in contact. Donations for practical things such as school supplies, furniture, books, etc. also help them to attend school and to study. Education is an important key that can help children escape the endless loop of poverty. Through our association “Sarathi - together for Nepal” I know that the donated funds reach those affected directly and do not trickle away into a large administrative apparatus of a big organization.


Hans-Martin Lauer

I am a management consultant and I know how elementary education is in order to change something over the long term. That is why I am committed to Sarathi. So that the support is as effective as possible, we make sure that we help where the local people are involved. So that we don't replace their commitment. That's important to me.


Christine Schatzl-Illich

Hello! I'm Tine from Groebenzell. As a mother of two sons, an educator and independent instrumental teacher, I have always had a lot to do with children and young people. I am grateful and happy about our education system and our good living situation. Because I don't take all of this for granted and want to pass something on, I am an active member of "SARATHI - together for Nepal". Our small association has already achieved a lot in a short time. Through our friends, Anja and Stefan, there is this long-term contact with committed women and men in Nepal. These friends ensure on site that our donations in money and in kind really go exactly where they are needed. They are amazingly quick in the implementation of projects and always involve the children and their families in the work. What I also really like: There are almost no administrative costs!


Stephan Illich

You don't even have to travel to Nepal to be enthusiastic about Nepal. Photos and travel reports about impressive mountain landscapes and the hospitality of the people have always fascinated me. Through Sarathi and our projects, I am connected with the people there and can support them in their everyday lives.


Sophia Seidlitz

Hi, my name is Sophia! I am originally from Munich and am currently studying in Berlin. My parents have been very committed to Nepal for a few years and have set up a number of projects there. As a result, we children learned a lot about the country and the educational situation. In 2017 we were in Nepal as a family and during this time I worked at a school and got to know the people and their culture. Since then I have been very fascinated and impressed by the children and the country in general. But the educational situation there really touched me. School and education is something special for the children in Nepal and cannot be taken for granted. For them it is the prospect of a better future. Through our association we have the opportunity to help people, especially children, on site and to guarantee them this opportunity! Even small supports, such as exercise books or shoes, can make a difference and change something there!

We introduce ourselves

Naran Puri

I am Megha Raj Puri (Naran). I have a family of six members that includes two daughters and a mother. We have been living in Chitwan for more than 40 years.
I worked as a waiter in Sauraha, as a teacher in private school for five years, lived and worked in Malaysia for five years and I have been working as a hotel manager at Sapana Village Lodge since 2009.
I am a member in the board of Sapana School. I was involved in Dental Camps organized by Open Eyes. It's my pleasure to work with Anja, Sabine and now with SARATHI- TOGETHER FOR NEPAL to support the children in Education. I am responsible of a few projects of SARATHI in Chitwan, Nepal. We have projects in Devghat School, Chepang Hostel and a Library project with Chitrasen Club.
Thank you for your trust.🙏🙏🙏

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Chandra Tamang

This is our friend Chandra Tamang. He lives with his family in the village of Gatlang, which is located at 2.300 m above sea level in the foothills of the Garnesh Himal on the border to Tibet. He and his wife have 5 children aged 0-6 years. In the trekking season, Chandra works as a guide and takes care of his house and family during the remaining months. He is the coordinator of our projects on site. Chandra has a big heart for the people in his village and especially for the children.

We are really happy to work together with him!

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